The Chaldean’s supposedly became extinct in 589BC. Strangely, that was the same year the Ark of the Covenant was captured by Ethiopian Prince Menelik, son of Queen of Sheba and the bastard son of King Solomon. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
They were known as the ‘wondering spirits’ who have the power to escape the grave, leave their host after they die. But, their damnation is they are without a kingdom to claim them when they arrive in Hades.
Without a home, King Mammon of Babylon often adopts them, but only to be slaves. If they escape, they are forced to wonder the labyrinth to become hunted by the lessor dragons and often the King dragon – Leviathan for sport. If they try to return to Egypt by deciding to travel through the Abyss they are most likely devoured by sharks. Not a good group to belong too.
We suspect that the Chaldean’s only appeared to disappear in 589 BS, as their original tribe of hosts died. But, they some how managed to open portals and rose again inside of new hosts. Finding some ignorant fool to open a portal and possessing their body before they know what happened.
This time, we believe, the Chaldean’s have established a secret society and working hard to maintain a less threatening presence for fear their faces will once again be wiped off the face of the earth.
If you ever say the true image of a Chaldean, you would see a half-man, half-beast. They will never expose their true selves in public while in the land of the living. They often remain covered in cloaks and prefer dark places.
The Chaldean’s diabolical creatures who use sarcastic jokes to denigrate others.