The 8th Day King named ‘Anochi’, son of Tetragrammaton. This supernatural being and king from an alien world – defeated King Marduke, the head of one of the 7 dragon kinds in what many are calling an illegal battle. But that battle was completely legal. Yet, most of the Kingdom of Ur; specifically the Nation of Media and even those of Ethiopia, just like back in the days of the Pharaoh Aten when the King of Cush crushed his kingdom over 4000 yrs ago. All hosts belonging to Ur are outraged, unaware of the spell of magic that continues to blind their eyes and close their ears to obvious truths. \
The Nation of Media is screaming fowl play and still refuses to give the alien king credit with authority over the over the 5 earth Kings or as ruler over the 2 Queens (Upper and Lower Heavens) or their Son, Lucifer.