Who is the 8th Day King?

The 8th Day King named ‘Anochi’, son of Tetragrammaton. This supernatural being and king from an alien world – defeated King Marduke, the head of one of the 7 dragon kinds in what many are calling an illegal battle. But that battle was completely legal.  Yet, most of the Kingdom of Ur; specifically the Nation of Media and even those of Ethiopia, just like back in the days of the Pharaoh Aten when the King of Cush crushed his kingdom over 4000 yrs ago.  All hosts belonging to Ur are outraged, unaware of the spell of magic that continues to blind their eyes and close their ears to obvious truths. \

The Nation of Media is screaming fowl play and still refuses to give the alien king credit with authority over the over the 5 earth Kings or as ruler over the 2 Queens (Upper and Lower Heavens) or their Son, Lucifer.


Princess Scotia

Princess Scotia is a special character in my books following legends claiming her to be real goddess.  The history books record she was born Meritamen,the 4th Daughter of Egyptian Pharaoh Aten and The Great Lady, Nefertiti. She is the half sister of King Tut and known as the ‘Lady of Two Lands’ as well as ‘The Beloved of Amun’ and ‘The Royal Wife’ of Ramesses the Great.

Born of the 18th Dynasty, Scotia is said to have escaped the plagues of Moses with the Stone of Destiny in her keep.   She and her husband, Fenius Farsaid (a descendant of Noah son, Japheth) is the forebear of the Gaels.  They followed the Atlas of Hercules and first found refuge in Spain. Then, they wondered the earth for 440 years until finally finding a safe haven on the green shorts of Scotland and were greeted by the three Kings of Tuathe De Dannan whose overlord was a king and sorcerer, Odin.  There was a battle between them and after her victory, Scotia was made the first female monarch of the Hebrides Isles as the first Queen of Scotland.  Her son, Goidel Glas, is said to have created the Gaelic language.  Her grave was discovered at Mount of Hostages at Tara in Scotland in 1956 with a necklace that matched another found in the cursed tomb of her half-brother King Tut. Coincidence?

In 1542, Six days after his daughter, Mary Queen of Scot was born, King James V of Scotland reportedly gave Princess Scotia a tribute in his dying breath by saying, “It begins with a lass and ends with a lass.”

In my story, Princess Scotia’s immortal spirit continues to rise generation after generation.  Her undying image continues to both bless and curse the kings and queens of Scotland, even after her first host died in 1350 AD at Tara.

Castle Eilean Donan

The castle Eilean Donan became the seat of MacKenzie clan after Colin Mackenzie saved King Alexander III from a wild stag during the Battle of Largs in 1263.  Robert the Bruce made this castle is hiding place during King Edward invasion to swash the rebellious Scottish clans and fulfill his desire to gain the power of the Stone of Destiny for England.

Seen below, within the MacKenzie clan’s crest appears a wild stag with fire burning above it, surrounded by an almost naked man with a crown holding a torch and his faithful dog.  The slogan reads “Luco Non Uro” which means, “I Shine, Not Burn”

In my book, the main character, Sharon’s has ancestors that are direct descendants to this MacKenzie bloodline.  As Sharon becomes more aware of her heritage, she comes to understand that the slogan”I Shine, Not Burn” refers to the MacKenzie chiefs diligence to pass on the understanding and meaning of being naked before their God, wearing the crown of honor than enable one to fight off evil entities and invisible dark powers using ‘true fire’ spoken by words found in The Good Scrolls, versus ‘strange fire’ spoken by aliens who use words of  magic found in The Book of Dragons.   As an descendant of Colin MacKenzie, Sharon has a right claim a portion of the inheritance of this grant estate.  But she soon finds that being an heiress to the MacKenzie bloodline is both the blessing and curse.

The Legendary Stone of Destiny

An underlying plot of my books is the following of the trail of legendary ‘The Stone of Destiny‘ which has a long history that still exists today.  This powerful stone was said to have been used during the appointments of the Clan Chieftains by King Arthur.  During the middle ages, this stone was fought over by Norway, France, Scotland, Ireland and England for it’s powers to name future kings and provide a touching point that could reach into the unseen and open a gateway into heaven so monarch’s could hear the voice of wisdom required to rule the Hebrides in peace.  Hiding out at Eilean Donan, Scotland’s Robert the Bruce was forced to surrender the stone to King Edward of England. The Stone of Destiny resided under the throne at West Minister Abbey in England until 1996,when it was finally returned to Scotland.

But – it was said Robert the Bruce never gave England the real stone, but a fake.  Instead of delivering the Stone of Destiny, Robert ordered the monks deliver England a cap stone for a sewer hole.  The Irish call it the ‘Blarney Stone’.

The real stone was said to have remained hidden inside the castle Eilean Donan nestled in the highlands of Scotland and seat of the MacKenzie Clan.  This where my story begins.


The Enchanted Stag

My first book beings by highlighting a fateful event that occurred at the Battle of Largs.

Below is a historical rendering memorializing the exceptional behavior of one brave soldier who changed the outcome of a strategic battle when Norway invaded Scotland at Isle of Mann in 1263.  In this battle, King Alexander III was saved by Colin MacKenzie from a wild stag.  For his bravery, Colin was awarded the castle, Eilean Donan.

However, in my version of this battle, there is much more action and fear upon their faces as well as lots of blood.  As the wild stag continues to charges towards the king, enraged and full of many arrows, it’s true nature of being an ‘enchanted’ is not yet known.  Finally, after it is miraculously taken down, the stag falls dead to the ground and transforms to reveal it’s true identity – a hue-man.  His pale skin, dark eyes and fanged teeth cannot hide the truth. He was a vampire!

This is how my story begins.