Who are the Chaldeans?

The Chaldean’s supposedly became extinct in 589BC.   Strangely, that was the same year the Ark of the Covenant was captured by Ethiopian Prince Menelik, son of Queen of Sheba and the bastard son of King Solomon.  Coincidence? I don’t think so.

They were known as the ‘wondering spirits’ who have the power to escape the grave, leave their host after they die. But, their damnation is they are without a kingdom to claim them when they arrive in Hades.

Without a home, King Mammon of Babylon often adopts them, but only to be slaves.  If they escape, they are forced to wonder the labyrinth to become hunted by the lessor dragons and often the King dragon – Leviathan for sport.  If they try to return to Egypt by deciding to travel through the Abyss they are most likely devoured by sharks. Not a good group to belong too.

We suspect that the Chaldean’s only appeared to disappear in 589 BS, as their original tribe of hosts died.  But, they some how managed to open portals and rose again inside of new hosts.  Finding some ignorant fool to open a portal and possessing their body before they know what happened.

This time, we believe, the Chaldean’s have established a secret society and working hard to maintain a less threatening presence for fear their faces will once again be wiped off the face of the earth.

If you ever say the true image of a Chaldean, you would see a half-man, half-beast. They will never expose their true selves in public while in the land of the living.  They often remain covered in cloaks and prefer dark places.

The Chaldean’s diabolical creatures who use sarcastic jokes to denigrate others.


King Arthur Crowns his Chieftains

In 460 AD after the center of power shifted,

Dunadd became Scotland’s new capital and King Arthur’s men performed a ceremony.


“… they created three, later four, sub-chiefdoms

and brought with them the Stone of Destiny,

and it was here that the future High Chiefs were crowned.”


On the Trail of King Arthur, Robin Crichon, 2013 P. 48

Sounds in The Mulberry Tree

There is another famous tree tied to conquering the Raphaim. That is the Mulberry Tree.

There is a saying among man kings in the 7th century BCE; “When you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees” said their God, “You can take down the Giants in the Valley of Raphaim.”

What does this mean to a king?   To know the secret kept within the hidden meanings of such signs, that king must be well versed in the writings of his forefathers and other historians.  Greek mythology tales involving the mulberry tree give another level to what SOUND the king is supposed to listen for.  But, you have to know the WHOLE story to understand the signs their God was pointing to.

A Babylonian etiological myth, attributes the reddish-purple color of the mulberry fruits to the tragic deaths of the lovers Pyramus and Thisbe. Meeting under a mulberry tree. Thisbe commits suicide by sword after Pyramus was killed by the lioness because he believed that Thisbe was eaten by her (lioness). Their splashed blood stained the previously white fruit, and the gods forever changed the mulberry’s colour to honour their forbidden love. (A) Wikipedia

So, what does this knowledge tell a king?

I believe it means:  If you hear the sound of the lion (the face of you enemy) appearing to kill your hope, don’t believe it.  Yes, the lioness is lurking for whom she can devour, but the real woman (your love, your hope) is not yet dead.  Yet, the giants think the lioness has convinced YOU – the weak minded to give up and kill yourself having lost all hope. But, don’t give up.

The Raphaim giants will NOT be expecting you to rise up and be still alive, ready for war. Go up and AROUND them this time – fake them out and catch them off guard – you will win!”


NOTE: William Shakespeare is believed to have based his infamous tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet on the legend tied to the Mulberry Tree.


If it is true and the a nation of hue-mans, specifically the Celtic-Saxons are hunted by the Raphaim giants as they rant, “Fee Fi Fo Fum” (See blog about Raphaim) than the plots of my novels may be on to something given this next bit of information:

Some believe their is historical “evidence that the Celtic-Saxons peoples are the continuation of God’s servant race of man and nation of Israel.”(A)

(A) Excerpt from the “Symbols of our Celtic-Saxon Heritage.” by WH Bennett, P.75

The Raphaim

Raphaim are the giants of antiquity that King Solomon wrote about during his days great sorcerery in his mystical Keys of Solomon book. He claimed “Raphaim could only be vanquished by the Vau, which is the sword of Michael and generations of travail and pain.”(A)

These giants were thought to have been extinct, but seemed to only escaped to new lands, appearing to have first founded the Hebride Isles before the Vikings ever arrived. They were famous for desiring to eat Englishmen by the droves, hunting their blood and flesh, “Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman.”

The Key of the Solomon Kin, Translated by S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers, 1972, p.123

Glastonbury Tree

In England every year there is a Glastonbury Festival.  Not many are aware of the beginnings of this festival or the meaning behind it’s name.  Glastonbury Tree is where the famous Merlin was said to have resided when the fairy Vivian visited him, stole his powers and caused him to fall into a sleep of death.  There is rumor that Vivian was also the fate Morgana, whom Odin agreed to sleep with to gain wisdom over the Raphaim in 1300 BCE.

King of All the Isles

Legends say it’s the required works of a ruler of 5 Kingdom to bring about the return of the “Golden Age” of King Arthur.   King Arthur seems to have been born with a gift to master both the white and red dragons spoken of by Merlin.

His reward for taking the sword of the stone?   Arthur was named King over all the Isles and later went on to name all of his chieftains over the same stone  – the Stone of Destiny.

It’s makes one wonder – what did the people of this age know about magic that we deny is real? Who has the sword now and where did that stone go?

Ruler of 5 Kings

My novels dive into the many myths surrounding the kings and queens of Scotland in the 16th century.

Many legends surround hidden knowledge, magical powers, diabolical plots and bloody wars and finally bring peace all the Hebrides Isles. Then, it was perceived that this same monarch was to also destined to dominate France and Denmark under one crown, bringing 5 kingdoms into unity.

There seems to be some magical power, supernatural wisdom available to one ruler over 5 earth kingdoms.


Merlin’s Grave

There is a old prophesy, “When Tweed and Powsail meet at Merlin’s grave, Scotland and England shall one monarch have.

In 1567, the very day that James VI of Scots (Son of Queen Mary of Scot and Henry Stuart Darnley) also became the first of England  (Shared throne of Scotland, England and Ireland), the River Tweed burst it’s banks at the mouth of the Powsail Burn, at Merlin’s Grave- something it never did before or since.” (A)

A) Excerpt from ‘On The Trail of King Arthur’ by Robin Crichton, p.134


Blood Amulet of Lilith

In my novels, the amulet of Queen Lilith is used to represent how it has been used in true history relating to the curse of the blood of Isis.  The knotted gold amulet symbolizes the blood tie of souls by marriage, binding them together as bride and groom beyond the grave.

Because of the association between knots and magical power, a symbol of Isis was the Tiet or Tyet – meaning welfare or life, also called the Knot of Isis, Buckle of Isis, or Blood of Isis. The Tiet represents the concept of eternal life or resurrection. The meaning of Blood of Isis is more obscured, but the Tyet was often used as a funerary amulet made of red wood, stone, or glass, so this may have simply been a description of its appearance.

In the graphic novel series, ‘The Epic Journey’ the main character, Rose is given this amulet by her captures to symbolize her now cursed bloodline and possession of her soul – by her new husband King Marduke.