The Enchanted Stag

My first book beings by highlighting a fateful event that occurred at the Battle of Largs.

Below is a historical rendering memorializing the exceptional behavior of one brave soldier who changed the outcome of a strategic battle when Norway invaded Scotland at Isle of Mann in 1263.  In this battle, King Alexander III was saved by Colin MacKenzie from a wild stag.  For his bravery, Colin was awarded the castle, Eilean Donan.

However, in my version of this battle, there is much more action and fear upon their faces as well as lots of blood.  As the wild stag continues to charges towards the king, enraged and full of many arrows, it’s true nature of being an ‘enchanted’ is not yet known.  Finally, after it is miraculously taken down, the stag falls dead to the ground and transforms to reveal it’s true identity – a hue-man.  His pale skin, dark eyes and fanged teeth cannot hide the truth. He was a vampire!

This is how my story begins.